Important changes for online broadcasters impacting artists…
"About 2 Blow Radio News", by: About 2 Blow Radio - June 19, 2019
Another change… This from the National Association of Digital Broadcasters,
ASCAP Responds To Closure of StreamLicensing,
“Today, ASCAP – one of the “big three” music rights organizations in the United States, along with BMI and SESAC – sent the following email out to former clients:
Recently, ASCAP learned that the service has shut down. We are writing to inform all StreamLicensing Broadcast affiliates that the owners and operators of the StreamLicensing service have not been transparent with its customers, at least insofar as StreamLicensing’s dealings with ASCAP are concerned.
ASCAP terminated StreamLicensing’s ASCAP license on July 1, 2017 for breach and default and the service has not been licensed by ASCAP since that date. In other words, despite several statements to the contrary made by StreamLicensing’s owners and operators, StreamLicensing has not “covered” its Broadcast Affiliates’ performances of ASCAP’s members’ music since that date. It has not paid any fees to ASCAP — on behalf of its Broadcast Affiliates or otherwise — for the period from Q4 2016 through June 14, 2019, the date on which it purportedly shut down its business.
After terminating StreamLicensing’s ASCAP license, ASCAP commenced an arbitration proceeding against StreamLicensing and ultimately obtained a substantial financial judgment against the service. ”
This is a huge blow to small indie digital/online radio stations including About 2 Blow Radio, who were duped, are caught in the middle and will incur additional broadcasting fees through no fault of their own. ASCAP is also cautioning indie stations about Live 365.
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