Moving forward… a new year. A new decade… with so many uncertainties. I don’t fear change. I welcome it. Here’s the thing about change… it never stays the same. It’s trial and error. Try one thing, if that doesn’t work, tweak or try something else, if that doesn’t work repeat the cycle. At some point you will find your oasis, better or a happy medium… Life is too short. Marilyn Monroe said it best, “Sometimes things fall apart so better things can come together”. That doesn’t happen without change.

"Uncategorized", by: - December 9, 2019


Moving forward... a new year. A new decade... with so many uncertainties. I don't fear change. I welcome it. Here's the thing about change... it never stays the same. It's trial and error. Try one thing, if that doesn't work, tweak or try something else, if that doesn't work repeat the cycle. At some point you will find your oasis, better or a happy medium... Life is too short. Marilyn Monroe said it best, "Sometimes things fall apart so better things can come together". That doesn't happen without change.
