You would think older cats still trying to find their footing in this every changing industry would be the main artists trying to ‘get it right’. Not at all. Not one week goes by that I don’t get hit up by an older artist carrying a lot of baggage from past endeavors, thinking name dropping will get them somewhere or trying to scheme on how they’re going to get something for nothing. The bitter ones are the worst… they got played in the past, more than likely due to their own ignorance and expecting somebody to look out for them instead of learning game and looking out for themselves. They overcompensate, are overly cautious, expect people to prove something to them instead of doing their own research and getting the facts before they reach out… They bring all types of baggage into a new situation. Namedropping will get you nowhere. OK, so you know folks, got a feature… or worked with somebody. That isn’t gonna pay for the services you want rendered. That’s not how this works. All of this is a build up to getting something for nothing. In their minds what their music is supposed to supercede what they actually bring to the table a series of failures, messed up relationships, never figuring ‘it out’ or learning from their mistakes and lack of budget… I’m supposed to overlook all that, in addition to work for free. Some of them are too old to still not get it.

"Uncategorized", by: - September 24, 2018


You would think older cats still trying to find their footing in this every changing industry would be the main artists trying to 'get it right'. Not at all. Not one week goes by that I don't get hit up by an older artist carrying a lot of baggage from past endeavors, thinking name dropping will get them somewhere or trying to scheme on how they're going to get something for nothing.

The bitter ones are the worst... they got played in the past, more than likely due to their own ignorance and expecting somebody to look out for them instead of learning game and looking out for themselves. They overcompensate, are overly cautious, expect people to prove something to them instead of doing their own research and getting the facts before they reach out... They bring all types of baggage into a new situation.

Namedropping will get you nowhere. OK, so you know folks, got a feature... or worked with somebody. That isn't gonna pay for the services you want rendered. That's not how this works.

All of this is a build up to getting something for nothing. In their minds what their music is supposed to supercede what they actually bring to the table a series of failures, messed up relationships, never figuring 'it out' or learning from their mistakes and lack of budget... I'm supposed to overlook all that, in addition to work for free.

Some of them are too old to still not get it.
